Guedes Quinhones Palace - 17th Century


This palace was built in the 17th century and was later enlarged (18th, 19th, and 20th centuries). Its architecture is characteristic of the “chão – (ground) – style” and it withstood the 1755 earthquake.

From the 17th century until 1925, approximately, it was the residence of the Quinhones family for 10 generations, specifically of the several firstborn members of the family, all christened and some of them buried in the Church of São Sebastião da Pedreira. The Quinhones family, whose coat of arms (recovered and exhibited in the Hotel’s indoor patio) contains the insignia of the Guedes, Vilhegas, Quinhones and Mattos families and descends from the Spanish Counts of Luna, had the permanent right to the office of the Head Seal Keeper of the Lisbon Customs House, the first of which was António Ribeiro, Naval Captain on the India Route, Father in Law of Francisco Quinhones de Almeida.

The Palace was the headquarters of the President of the Sidónio Pais Institute, better known as the Amália Luazes Residence, intended to lodge the children of primary school teachers. At one time this building was planned to house the Historical Records of the Ministry of Education.

It is recorded in the Heritage Book of Lisbon City Council and is nowadays protected by the Municipal Master Plan. The building is classified by IPPAR (Protection Area – Decree 39521, dated 30-1-1954), considering its antiquity and its early wall coverings. Outstanding in its interior is the important collection of 18th-century ceramic tiles attributed to the workshop of Master P.M.P., in activity between 1700 and 1735, totally restored in the National Ceramic Tile Museum, in Xabregas.

A part of the Palace’s original tower was restored, with one of its original windows overlooking Tomás Ribeiro Street. The remaining buildings, constructed in the Palace’s extension, along S. Sebastião da Pedreira and Tomás Ribeiro streets, are today the 2 new wings of the Real Palácio Hotel.